Top Secrets to Score 350 in JAMB 2023


To score 350 in JAMB, you need to understand how the exam works and how you’ll be scored. The JAMB exam has three sections: English, Mathematics, and General Knowledge. English and Math are scored out of 100 points each, while General Knowledge is scored out of 150 points.

To prepare, focus on the JAMB syllabus to know which topics will be covered in each section. Study materials like past questions, mock tests, and JAMB practice books provide detailed explanations for the answers. Work through many practice questions and timed mock tests to build your speed and confidence.

1. Focus on high-scoring areas

Certain topics in each section are weighted more heavily, so focus on those. For English, work on essay writing, comprehension, and grammar. In Math, master algebra, statistics, geometry, and word problems. For General Knowledge, study current affairs, biology, chemistry, physics, history, and geography.

2. Read extensively

Reading extensively helps strengthen your vocabulary and comprehension, which are key for the English and General Knowledge sections. Aim for at least 2 hours of reading every day, focusing on topics from the JAMB syllabus. As you read, note down new words, facts, names, dates, and places.

3. Prepare for the exam format

Familiarize yourself with the exam rules and format to avoid surprises on exam day. Know the number of questions and time allowed for each section. Learn the appropriate way to fill in your answers on the bubble sheet to avoid issues with scanning. Be very careful transferring your answers from the question booklet to the bubble sheet. With the right preparation and awareness of the exam format, you’ll be on your way to scoring 350 in JAMB!


Top Secrets to Score 350 in JAMB

Study Smarter, Not Harder – Create a Study Plan

To score 350 in JAMB, you need to study smarter, not just harder. The key is creating an effective study plan.

  1. Focus on your problem areas. Review your past JAMB scores and practice tests to identify topics you struggled with. Then spend extra time studying those concepts. For example, if word problems in Math give you trouble, do lots of word problem practice problems.
  2. Study regularly over time, not cramming at the last minute. Develop a routine to study a little bit each day, even if just for 30-60 minutes. This will keep information fresh in your mind and prevent you from getting overwhelmed. Studying over several weeks or months is much more effective than cramming the night before.
  3. Take frequent practice tests. This helps ensure you understand the concepts and familiarizes you with the actual exam format and experience. Review the results to see which areas need more work. Many websites offer free JAMB practice tests and sample questions.
  4. Study with friends to quiz each other. This makes studying more engaging and helps motivate you to stay on track. You can also teach each other shortcuts and mnemonics to remember key facts. Studying together is more productive and fun than studying alone.
  5. Practice relaxation techniques leading up to the exam. Managing anxiety and staying focused during the actual test is key to achieving a high score. Try meditation, deep breathing, visualization, and yoga. Get plenty of rest the night before so you go into the exam feeling confident and ready to do your best.

Master JAMB Subjects With Effective Study Techniques

To score 350 in JAMB, you need to develop effective study techniques that will help you master the required subjects. The key is not just studying hard, but studying smart.

1. Focus on Understanding, Not Just Memorizing

Don’t just read through your notes and textbooks trying to memorize facts and figures. Really work to comprehend the concepts and how ideas relate to each other. The more you understand, the easier the information will be to remember.

Some tips for understanding include:

  • Relate new ideas to things you already know. Look for familiar examples and analogies.
  • Ask questions about anything confusing and discuss topics with friends or family.
  • Practice by teaching the concepts to someone else. This is the best way to tell if you really grasp the material.
  • Look at concepts from different perspectives. Try rewording or reorganizing information in your own words.

2. Practice with Real Exam Questions

Familiarize yourself with the actual format and experience of the JAMB exam. Work through real questions from past years to get comfortable with the style and content. Notice any trends in the types of questions asked. Use a timer to simulate the actual time constraints you’ll face.

This serves several purposes:

  1. Reduces anxiety since you know what to expect.
  2. Identifies any areas you need to focus on or skills that require more practice.
  3. Provides an accurate sense of how long to spend on each question during the actual exam.
  4. Gives you experience in choosing between answer options and avoiding misleading choices.
  5. Makes you faster and more strategic in answering questions.

3. Study Consistently Over Time

Don’t cram at the last minute. Space out your studying over several months to keep information fresh in your mind. Review notes, work through practice problems, and re-read sections of your textbooks regularly over time.

Take occasional breaks to recharge, but schedule dedicated study periods each week. Even studying for just 30 minutes a day a few times a week can be highly effective. Consistent practice and repetition will ensure you fully retain everything you need to know for exam day.

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Following these proven study techniques will help you gain the understanding, experience, and stamina you need to achieve your goal of scoring 350 in JAMB. Stay focused, ask questions, practice real exam questions, and study consistently over time for the best results. You’ve got this!

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